Gary fisher 2008 MTB
취미-자전거Bike/제품-MTB 2008. 4. 24. 13:05 |Gary fisher 2008 MTB [1]
산악자전거를 처음으로 만든 게리 피셔입니다.
교과서에도 나오는 전설적인 인물입니다.
아래 사진은 폴란드 대회에 참가했을때 모습이고 우리나라에도
왔었습니다. 자신이 좋아하는 걸 하다보니 정상에 선 사람들은 정말 부럽습니다.
게리의 말을 옮겨왔습니다. 원문 그대로를 옮기는 게 더 좋을 것 같아 번역안했습니다.
Hey. How's it goin'? Me, I'm doing great. Riding bikes, thinking about bikes, talking about bikes. Somebody asked me the other day why I spend so much time doing bike stuff. The question caught me off guard. My first response was that bikes are as good a pursuit as just about anything else I can think of.
Then I realized something else: it's not really about bikes. I mean, it is. But. It's about being outside, it's about communing with something big, it's about meeting people. Bikes are forward momentum. They are machines with inherently positive motives. I like that. Always have. Not going to stop any time soon.
See you out there,
2008년 MTB 제품들입니다.
이미지는 클릭하면 커집니다.
2008년 MTB 제품들입니다.
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